Žymės: 3D, Analinis seksas, Apk, Ateiviai, Blondinės, Bondažas, Boobjob, Brunetės, Cg galleries, Cunnilingus, Dailus užpakaliukas, Didelės krūtys, Dideli kotai, Elves, Fetišinis, High resolution, Karštos pupytės, Kosmosas, Kovinės, Masturbacija, Masturbacija, Meilė, Mokslinė fantastika, Monster sex, Nuleidimas, Nuotykių, Oralinis, Oralinis seksas, Paranormal games, Redheads, Renpy, Robots, Seksas, Simuliatorius, Strip, Svajonės, Tarprasinis seksas, Uncensored, Video, Viktorina, Virš 18, Visual novels, Žaidimai
In the distant future, humanity has been pushed out into new territories after a brutal war with aliens. It's been 150 years since the fighting stopped, and the battlefields have now become valuable mining colonies. You're just an ordinary miner trying to make it, until one day everything changes. Suddenly, you inherit a whole space station, throwing you into a world of power plays, intrigue and untold sex delights. Meanwhile, the original owners of these lands are starting to rise up, determined to take back what was theirs. Tensions are rising and rival factions are vying for control. You have to navigate a web of alliances, enemies and forbidden attractions.
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